Add the service to your E-store
1. Add the service to your organization from the Marketplace on the left side menu
Note: When you have added the service you can view the price list under Billing
Purchase the subscription in the marketplace.
1. Add the service to your customer (or your own organization) from the E-store
2. Go to My Services and Vade Secure in the left side menu. Add a subscription to the customer (or your own organization) and fill in the details.
Activate your license
Procedure: 1. Check the technical contact email you selected for an activation email sent by Vade Secure. (Please note that this process can take up to two hours)
2. Click the Activate your license button in your activation email.
You can check the license status (Pending activation, Active, etc.), renew a subscription or delete a license on the Partner Portal.
Confirm the permissions using an Office 365 Global Admin account
Procedure: 1. Log into the Vade Secure admin console
For Europe:
For the US:
For Asia:
2. Click Accept to accept the basic permissions required by the Vade Secure UI.
3. Click Continue to go to the next screen.
4. Click Accept to confirm all the permissions in the pop-in window for the Vade Secure platform to work properly.After confirming the permissions, you can log in to the console with a Global Admin account or an Exchange Admin account.
Create a journal rule
1. Go to: Microsoft O365 Admin Center > Left Menu > Show more > Exchange > compliance management >journal rules.
2. Configure an email address which will receive the undeliverable journal reports, by clicking the link named Send undeliverable journal reports to..., as shown above.
Microsoft Office 365 requires you to add a notification email address which will receive notifications in case emails sent to a given user were not journalized for various reasons.
Warning: Office 365 disables journaling on the address used to receive the journalisation notification errors. As such, this address will not be protected. Vade Secure recommends using a dedicated email address or internal mailing list, outside the protected domain, for this purpose.
3. Add a journal rule to send a copy of the email traffic to Vade Secure for Office 365.
a) Send journal reports to the dedicated address.
For Europe:
For the US:
b) Complete the name of the rule.
c) Select Apply to all messages (or user/user group if you want to restrict the analysis to a person or group of people).
d) Select all messages under Journal the following messages.
Enable Vade Secure
Log into the
Global Settings
This tab allows you to choose between Protection mode and Monitoring mode.
Click Protection to enable active filtering of Vade Secure for Office 365.
Tip: Once enabled, the Protection mode enabled notice will be displayed on the dashboard
Click Monitoring if you simply want the Vade Secure for Office 365 to log detections (and not block anything) to monitor the solution.
We will update the quantity on each subscription on the 25:th to make sure you get the correct billing material