This guide assumes preparations has been made for the customer in both and 1. Gridheart - Administrator has been created, added to a subscription(Standard not Webmail) that includes “Terminal server mode” and has been assigned FullAccess to all accounts on that organization. 2. Microsoft 365 - Existing tenant with added and verified domain, added users and assigned licenses that includes mailbox.
3. Script(creates endpoint and batch graphically at > Migration) Run in Powershell ISE launched as an administrator. Line by line.
#Preparing script
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
#Import module when installation has completed
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
#Connect to existing M365 tenant and refer to GA
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName
#Store credentials for Microsoft Exchange-administrator on organization
$Credentials = Get-Credential
#Test the connection string and refer to the Exchange server that the administrator is present on
Test-MigrationServerAvailability -ExchangeOutlookAnywhere -RPCProxyServer -ExchangeServer STOEX16N03 -EmailAddress migration@customerdomain -MailboxPermission FullAccess -Credentials $credentials
#When test connection has been verified use above connection string to create migration endpoint
New-MigrationEndpoint -ExchangeOutlookAnywhere -Name test -RPCProxyServer -ExchangeServer STOEX16N03 -EmailAddress migration@customerdomain -MailboxPermission FullAccess -Credentials $credentials
#Create migration batch and refer to newly created endpoint
New-MigrationBatch -Name testbatch -SourceEndpoint test
#Check status on running migration batch
Get-MigrationBatch -Identity testbatch | Format-List
To verify -ExchangeServer parameter for the particular administrator account you will need to login with it for the first time at
Server name is then found > Customer > My Services > Microsoft Exchange > Accounts > Actions-button on administrator account > Details > the field "Server name". 4. DNS - Whenever initial synchronization has completed, by showing the status as 'Synced', you can then plan and perform the DNS cutover in the customers DNS management.
5. End customer
- Assist the customer with new mail profiles in Outlook and access to new OWA:
6. Microsoft 365 > Exchange > Migration
- Stop the first batch synchronization and wait for the status to change to 'Stopped' and then 'Resume migration' to migrate everything in between the initial synchronization and the DNS cutover.